Tourists are not welcome in Malaga

Spanish Malaga may lose tourists on the eve of the tourist season. Locals are dissatisfied with the tourist flow and put up posters that tell visitors what the townspeople think of them.

So, in the city center, stickers and inscriptions appeared on buildings: "Tourists, go home", "It stinks of tourists here", "A family lived here before you", "This used to be my house", "This used to be the city center" and similar slogans.

Locals complain that landlords evict them in order to rent housing to tourists more expensively.

The anti-terrorist campaign was launched by the owner of the bar, Danny Danko, who was evicted from the house in which he rented an apartment for 10 years because the owners wanted to rent this housing to tourists. Many other citizens joined the protest.

The Spanish coast of the Costa del Sol, where Malaga is located, is very popular with tourists. In 2023, a record 14 million vacationers visited the city.

Tourists are not welcome in Malaga
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